Sunday 6 March 2011



 I'm new to this so im not sure how much you are suppose to write.  I am tired of speaking with my wedding party members about my wedding where I feel I am bothering them.  My sisters dont even seem to care that they are in the wedding so thats starting to bother me.   I have one sister that likes all the attention she is the middle child, she likes to find ways to always get everything that she wants.   She had a baby when she was 19 and then she became anerexic when the baby started to get all the attention..  I asked her to be in my wedding and she accepted,  now she was so tired of hearing about the wedding she went out and got pregnant again and is due the same month of the wedding.   On top of all that her and her 2 yr old son live with me and my fiance and they are always at each others throats.  I am suppose to be excited about starting the next chanper of my life but all i seem to be doing is walking on egg shells where anything sets off my finance because he does not like my sister being here.   And she is no picnic either, she makes everything so difficult.  She said that she was moving back with our parents before the new baby is born BUT i dont see it happening anytime soon.  I am so close to just walking outr and leaving them to fix there issues. I am tired of being in the middle.  

My finance is not use to having children around where he is the baby of his family and he has never had children live with him or he has not been around them more then a few hrs a week, my nephew is in his terrible 2's now and he just messes everything and breaks things.  My finance is getting tired of it where he feels that the child should have more disipline... he does not understand that he is just a baby and thats whay they do.. its a faze they go through.   I just dont know what to do anymore, if i ask her to leave sooner then it may cause her to hate me and take my nephew from me... Also it may cause my parents and my younger sister to not talk to me so that would just suck where my family means the world to me.. If i dont ask her to leave then me and my finance will continue to drift apart or i will have a nervous breakdown..... Please someone give me some advice.....

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